Doctoral Consortium
A Doctoral Consortium event will be held in conjunction with the International Conference on Biometrics (ICB) 2018. The event will take place over lunch on February 22 (Thursday). Eligible participants include (a) current PhD students, and (b) researchers who recently completed their PhD program (after August 2016).
The Doctoral Consortium will feature a keynote talk by Prof. Brian Lovell titled “Starting a Biometrics Company: Riding the Commercialization Roller Coaster” and a panel consisting of senior researchers in Biometrics. Participants will have the opportunity to pose questions to the panel related to their professional development, as well as inquire about career/research opportunities in the field of Biometrics.
Eligible individuals who wish to attend this event should send an email to the Doctoral Consortium Chair, Dr. Ajay Kumar, at by February 11, 2018,11:59pm PST. The email must mention their name, affiliation, and research interests. Applicants who are selected to attend this event will be informed via email by February 13, 2018, 11:59pm PST. Note that the applicants who are selected must register for the conference [].
ICB 2018 encourages all eligible participants to avail of this opportunity to network with other researchers and discuss employment opportunities with senior researchers in academia and industry.
Important Dates:
Email to February 11, 2018,11:59pm PST [Name, Affiliation, Research Interests]
Notification of Selection: February 13, 2018, 11:59pm PST