Social events

In the welcome kit will be provided the tickets for attending the Social events. Accompanying persons need to be registered for attending the single Event. 

Wednesday 6th September

19:00 – GBR 2023 Sunset Welcome Cocktail Party – Lloyd’s Baia Terranc

The welcome cocktail will be held on the terrace of the Lloyd’s Baia Hotel, where you’ll have the perfect vantage point to savour a stunning panoramic view of the Amalfi Coast. 

Thursday 7th September

Visit to the Benedictine Abbey of the Holy Trinity

A captivating tour of the Benedictine Abbey of the Holy Trinity in Cava de Tirreni, a place of profound historical and spiritual significance nestled amidst the beauty of the Amalfi Coast. 

The Abbey was founded in 1011 by Saint Alferio, a nobleman of Salerno. He was ambassador to the longobard prince of Salerno. The Order Cavensis became a divine centre of spiritual fulfilment and expanded to encompass approximately 400 churches, abbeys and priories. Consequently its spiritual and secular influence spread throughout southern Italy. The Abbey holds important archives containing approximately 15000 parchments from the eighth to nineteenth centuries and the library which holds other precious manuscripts and incunabulum. As a result of the law of suppression (7 July 1867),the Abbey was declared a national and entrusted monument under jurisdiction of the Abbots indefinitely.

The tour is organised to delve into the heritage of the Abbey:

  • The Cathedral: Constructed in the 11th century by Abbot S. Pietro and consecrated by Pope Urbano II on 5th September 1092.The Cathedral was completely reconstructed in the 18th century and designed by Giovanni del Gaiso.  The pulpit of the 12th century remains and the Chapel of the holy fathers was replastered and covered in polychromy marble in 1641. 
  • The Ancient Chapels: Remarkable altar front in marble of the 11th century, the sculpture of Tino of Camaino  and the flooring in majolica of the 15th century. 
  • The Romanesque Cloister:  Of the 13th century, situated under the cave with different capitals and columns and raised arches . 
  • The Ancient Chapter Room: Adjacent to the Cloister, the 13th   century gothic style housing the Roman sarcophagi and frescos of different ages. 
  • The longobard Cemetery: The  12th century Crypt ,  the 9th and 10th century columns and  cylindrical pillars in masonry gives an evocative effect. The 13th century Chapel of Saint Germano . 
  • The Museum: A splendid hall of the 13th century, in which there hangs paintings, sculptures, sarcophagi, chorales , Roman Greek  Etruscan collection  a book of the Gregorian songs. 
  • The New Chapter Room: A hall with various attributes such as wooden chair backs from 1540, frescos on the walls from about 1642,  flooring in majolica tiles from 1777 and  ceiling from 1940

Tour Planning

  • 16:30 meeting at the Lloyd’s Baia Hotel reception 
  • 17:00 Move with Bus to the Abbey 
  • 17:30 Arrive to the Abbey in Cava dei Tirreni and visit start
  • 19:00 Return to the Lloyd’s Baia Hotel

21:00 Gala Dinner on the Lloyd’s Baia Beach restaurant 

Enjoy a delightful dinner at the Lloyd’s Baia Beach restaurant. As you step into the restaurant, prepare to be pleasantly surprised by the panoramic view of the Gulf of Salerno.

The restaurant’s large windows and open terrace allow you to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of  the Gulf of Salerno, creating a sight of sheer tranquillity and wonder.

As you settle into your seat, the captivating panorama becomes the perfect companion to the culinary delights that await you.

Spiaggia privata sulla Costiera Amalfitana | Spiaggia Lloyd's Baia

Friday 8th September

Amalfi coast boat tour

(to be confirmed also depending on weather/sea conditions and transportation availability)

The tour offers the opportunity to enjoy the Amalfi Coast from the sea, a different and breathtaking perspective. The boat ride itself is an experience that provides unobstructed views of the rugged cliffs, azure waters, and terraced hillsides adorned with lemon groves and colourful Mediterranean villas. This captivating coastal scenery has earned the Amalfi Coast its status as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The tour will stop in the city of Amalfi, as we will approach, you’ll be greeted by the sight of Amalfi’s majestic cathedral with its colourful mosaic façade, a true architectural gem that stands as a testament to the town’s glorious past as a maritime republic. Once ashore, you’ll have time (3 hours) to explore Amalfi’s charming streets, browse local boutiques, and visit the historic paper mill, where the ancient art of paper-making is still practised today. We suggest is to visit:

  • The port and the arsenal.
  • Piazza Dante, its fountains and the Amalfi Duomo (especially the cloister)
  • Amalfi’s Paper Museum. 
  • Amalfi’s meandering alleys and covered passages.
A Practical Guide to the Amalfi Coast

Historical notes

There is little evidence of Amalfi’s origin, but an inscription, ‘Descendit ex patribus romanorum’ confirms that it was the Romans who founded it. Legend has it that Amalfi was a maiden loved by Hercules, then buried there at the will of the gods.

From the 9th century Amalfi became one of Italy’s four maritime republics, and competed for supremacy over maritime traffic on the peninsula with rivals Venice, Genoa and Pisa.

Despite its rivalry with Pisa, Genoa and Venice, Amalfi managed to establish itself within the Mediterranean and develop a flourishing and prosperous trade, thanks also to the various colonies it had placed in the most important foreign cities. The code of maritime law, or Tavola Amalfitana, which remained in force in Amalfi until the 18th century, dates back to the 9th century, and is now preserved in the civic museum. Thanks to the codex it has been possible to reconstruct the functioning and progression of Amalfi society in detail.

The town of Amalfi is credited with the invention of the compass, attributed to Flavio Gioia, who introduced it as an orientation tool for sailors in the 13th century. However, according to recent reconstructions, it was not Flavio, but Giovanni Gioia, who invented it and promoted its subsequent spread in the Mediterranean.

During the boat trip from Salerno to Amalfi, you will have the unique opportunity to admire from the sea the most beautiful towns of the Amalfi coast such as Cetara, Ravello, Erchie, Maiori, Minori and Atrani as well as wonderful beaches and coves.

Duomo di Amalfi - Wikipedia

Tour Planning

  • 13:00 Meeting to the Lloyd’s Baia reception and packet lunch collection
  • 13:20 Bus for Piazza della Concordia Touristic Port
  • 14:10 Boat for Amalfi
  • 14:45 Arrive in Amalfi and free time for visiting the City & shopping
  • 17:45 Boat for the Piazza della Concordia Touristic Port
  • 18:20 Arrive in Salerno and Bus for the Lloyd’s Baia Hotel