APSIDE: Our constant challenge, in an increasingly demanding market, is to give everyone the attention and recognition they deserve. The company does not just seek to gain market share or ensure individuals are promoted; we recognise that we must have the greatest confidence in our employees in order to warrant and develop their pride of belonging. Our future lies in that - and for the team surrounding me as well as for myself - it is not a goal, it is a commitment.
Polytech Tours, is the graduate school of engineering of the University of Tours, it is also a member of the Polytech network. The Polytech network is a network of 14 schools of engineering of French universities that graduate each year more than 3,000 engineers. This makes the Polytech network the biggest engineering graduates schools network in France.
Région Centre Val de Loire The Région Centre is located in the middle stretch of the Loire River in central France. It is referred to as the Cradle of the French Language, and the Garden of France due to the abundance of vineyards, fruit orchards (such as cherries), and artichoke and asparagus fields, which line the banks of the Loire river. Notable for its historic towns, architecture and wines, the Loire valley has been inhabited since the Middle Palaeolithic period. In 2000, UNESCO added the central part of the Loire River valley to its list of World Heritage Sites.
Tours CityTours is a city in central France, the capital of the Indre-et-Loire department. It stands on the lower reaches of the river Loire, between PARIS and the Atlantic coast. Tours is the largest city in the Centre region of France, although it is not the regional capital, which is the region's second-largest city, Orléans.
Tours+La communauté d'agglomération Tour(s)plus permet à l'agglomération tourangelle de réaliser des projets structurants à une échelle pertinente.
Université Francois Rabelais de ToursPluridisciplinaire (Arts et Sciences Humaines, Droit, Economie, Gestion et commerce, Lettres et Langues, Santé, Sciences et Techniques, 2 IUT, 1 école d'ingénieurs), l'université François-Rabelais est située au coeur de Tours. Avec plus de 40 laboratoires de recherche, elle s'affiche comme la première institution de recherche publique en région Centre.
LI FAT: Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale et Appliquée de ToursLe Laboratoire d'Informatique (EA 6300) concentre ses activités de recherche sur la conception et le développement de modèles et d'algorithmes pour (1) extraire de l'information et tirer de la connaissance a partir de données éventuellement volumineuses et de natures diverses, en intégrant la problématique de l'interface homme-machine et (2) fournir une aide a la décision en résolvant des problèmes fortement combinatoires par des techniques d'optimisation
ICVL (Informatique Centre Val de Loire) is a research federation (oficially labeled FED 4279), comprising two academic research laboratories of the Centre Val de Loire Region in France:
- LIFO (Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale d’Orléans)
- LIFAT (Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale et Appliquée de Tours)
IAPR: International Association for Pattern RecognitionThe International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) is an international association of non-profit, scientific or professional organizations (being national, multi-national, or international in scope) concerned with pattern recognition, computer vision, and image processing in a broad sense.