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ICPR 2012

 Paper Awards

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Best Industry-Related Paper

Stephen Pollard, Steven Simske and Guy Adams

for the 21st ICPR paper

Print Biometrics:  Recovering Forensic Signatures from Halftone Images


Piero Zamperoni Best Student Paper Award

Xiaoyang Wang

for the 21st ICPR paper

Incorporating Contextual Knowledge to Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Event Recognition

by Xiaoyang Wang and Qiang Ji


Best Scientific Paper Award:  Computer and Robot Vision

Alexander Schick, Mika Fischer and Rainer Stiefelhagen

for the 21st ICPR paper

Measuring and Evaluating the Compactness of Superpixels


Best Scientific Paper Award:  Virtual Reality and Medical Applications

Jialin Peng, Jinwei Wang and Dexing Kong

for the 21st ICPR paper

A New Convex Variational Model for Liver Segmentation


Best Scientific Paper Award:  Pattern Recognition and Applications

Radu Timofte and Luc Van Gool

for the 21st ICPR paper

Weighted Collaborative Representation and Classification of Images


Best Scientific Paper Award:   Signal, Speech and Image/Video Processing

Guifang Duan, Hongcui Wang, Zhenyu Liu, Junping Deng and Yen-Wei Chen

for the 21st ICPR paper

K-CPD:  Learning of Overcomplete Dictionaries for Tensor Sparse Coding


Best Scientific Paper Award:  Document Analysis

Stephen Pollard, Steven Simske and Guy Adams

for the 21st ICPR paper

Print Biometrics:  Recovering Forensic Signatures from Halftone Images


ICPR2012 Best Student Paper Award:  Computer and Robot Vision

(Partially Sponsored by IBM Research)

Jia-Bin Huang

for the 21st ICPR paper

Saliency Detection via Divergence Analysis:  A Unified Perspective

by Jia-Bin Huang and Narendra Ahuja


ICPR2012 Best Student Paper Award:  Virtual Reality and Medical Applications

(Partially Sponsored by IBM Research)

Lin Gu

for the 21st ICPR paper

Shadow Detection via Rayleigh Scattering and Mie Theory

by Lin Gu and Antonio Robles-Kelly


ICPR2012 Best Student Paper Award:  Pattern Recognition and Applications

(Partially Sponsored by IBM Research)

Meng Fang

for the 21st ICPR paper

I don't know the label:  Active Learning with Blind Knowledge

by Meng Fang and Xingquan Zhu


ICPR2012 Best Student Paper Award:  Signal, Speech and Image/Video Processing

(Partially Sponsored by IBM Research)

Takuhiro Kaneko

for the 21st ICPR paper

Consistent Collective Activity Recognition with Fully Connected CRFs

by Takuhiro Kaneko, Masamichi Shimosaka, Shigeyuki Odashima, Rui Fukui and Tomomasa Sato


ICPR2012 Best Student Paper Award:  Document Analysis

(Partially Sponsored by IBM Research)

Jayant Kumar

for the 21st ICPR paper

Learning Document Structure for Retrieval and Classification

by Jayant Kumar, Peng Ye and David Doermann

Congratulations to all

ICPR 2012 paper award winners!
