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Uppsala September 30, 2012

The IAPR community is in the final preparations for presentations and meetings to be held at the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) in Tsukuba, Japan, on November 11-15, 2012. The ICPR conference series is IAPR’s main event. Please, visit the ICPR 2012 web site for information.

In the previous IAPR Newsletter, we announced that the recipient of the King-Sun Fu Prize, the most prestigious IAPR award, in 2012 is Professor Rama Chellappa, University of Maryland, USA. Now it is our pleasure to announce that the recipient of the J. K. Aggarwal Prize in 2012 is Professor René Vidal, Johns Hopkins University, USA. Both prizes are to be awarded at the ICPR 2012.

In this edition of the IAPR Newsletter, we are getting to know two IAPR Fellows: Professor George Nagy and Professor Andreas Dengel. Interestingly enough, their presentations connect since Dengel has built some of his research on the successful X-Y-trees that Nagy introduced.

As usual, we can also read a number of conference and book reports thanks to our editors. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking especially Alexandra Branzan Albu, our IAPR Newsletter Editor-in-Chief, who now will resign from this position. We thank Alexandra for bringing quality and diversity to the Newsletter during the past four years.

This is the last “From the ExCo” column written by the outgoing Executive Committee. It has been a pleasure and an honour for us to serve the IAPR community these last two years. We wish all the best to the new committee, which will be elected at the Governing Board meeting on November 13.

Safe journeys to Tsukuba in November! For colleagues who will not attend ICPR 2012, I hope to see you at the next ICPR, which will be in Stockholm in August 2014!

News from the


Executive Committee



by Ingela Nyström (Sweden)

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11-15, 2012