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The theme of the 2010 International Conference on Medical Biometrics (ICMB 2010) was �Advancement of Medical Biometric Technologies and Systems for Healthcare�. ICMB2010 provides a platform for researchers, engineers, doctors and vendors from different disciplines to present their latest research findings, to identify future directions and challenges, and to initiate R&D collaborations.

We were most honoured to have Prof. Timothy Tong, the president of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University give an opening address and� Mrs Regina IP, Legislative Councillor of Hong Kong, Prof. LIU Zhiyong, Former Executive Director of Department of Information Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and other eminent speakers from around the world to attend this important event.

We were pleased that this conference attracted a large number of high-quality research papers that reflect the increasing interest in and popularity of this fast-growing field. The conference proceedings contain 45 papers which were selected through a strict review process, with an acceptance rate at 38%. Each paper was assessed by three independent reviewers. All of the accepted papers were presented in either oral (20) or poster (25) sessions at the conference in conjunction with three special sessions on State-of-the-Art of Computer-Aided Detection/Diagnosis (CAD), Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Effective Healthcare. The total number of attendees was around 120.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our invited keynote speakers for their inspiring talks at ICMB 2010 and sharing their valuable experience: Ching Suen, IAPR Fellow, Yueting Zhang, Hiroshi Fujita, and Lianda Li. In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to all the contributors, reviewers, Program Committee and Organizing Committee members who made their contribution to the success of ICMB 2010 in different ways. Once again, we greatly appreciate the continuing support from the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE-CIS), National Natural Science Foundation in China (NSFC), and Springer. Last but not least, we sincerely wish that the fruitful technical interactions during this conference will benefit everyone concerned.

Conference Report: ICMB 2010

Report prepared by the General Chairs

Text Box: Second International Conference on Medical Biometrics

28-30 June 2010
Hong Kong
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General Chairs


David Zhang, IAPR Fellow (Hong Kong)

Milan Sonka (USA)

Proceedings of the conference have been published by


in the series

Lecture Notes in

Computer Science

(Volume 6165)


Click on the image to go to the publisher�s web site for this volume.

Program Chairs


Jane You (Hong Kong)

Xiaoyi Jiang, IAPR Fellow (Germany)

Prabir Bhattacharya, IAPR Fellow (USA)