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This note is a short follow-up on my article �Looking back on 20 years of ICPR conferences� ([html]�� [pdf]) that was published in the July 2010 issue of the Newsletter.

First, I would like to acknowledge the excellent organization of ICPR 2010, for which we thank the hardworking and omnipresent conference chair, Prof. Aytul Eril, and the local arrangements committee.

ICPR 2010 brought together 1250 participants from 53 countries. It received a record number of 2140 submissions, from which 1147 papers were accepted as 385 oral presentations and 762 posters. The overall acceptance rate was 53.5%, the most selective one since ICPR 2004.

But this is only a dry summary of a conference that was truly inspiring via its technical and social programs, as well as its venue. For more insight into the atmosphere of ICPR 2010, I invite you to read Arjan Kuijper�s article, �Amazing Istanbul�.



ICPR 2010 Stats



ICPR 2010:� Facts and Figures


By Alexandra Branzan Albu (Canada)