Book Reviews Published in the IAPR Newsletter
Algebraic Geometry and Statistical Learning Theory by Sumio Watanabe
Statistical Learning and Pattern Analysis for Image and Video Processing by Nanning Zheng and Zianru Xue
Augmented Vision Perception in Infrared: Algorithms and Applied Systems by Riad Ibrahim Hammoud, editor
Handbook of Texture Analysis by Majid Mirmehdi, Xianghua Xie, and Jasjit Suri, editors
Markov Random Field Modeling in Image AnalysisBy Stan Z. Li
Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks by B.D. Ripley
Close Range Photogrammetry: Principles, Methods, and Applications by Luhmann, Robson, Kyle, and Harley
Classification and Learning Using Genetic Algorithms: Applications in Bioinformatics and Web Intelligence by Bandyopadhyay and Pal
Learning Theory: An Approximation Theory Viewpoint by Cucker and Zhou
Character Recognition SystemsA Guide for Students and Practitioners by Cheriet, Kharma, Liu, and Suen
Geometry of Locally Finite Spaces by Kovalevsky
Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition by Marinai and Fujisawa (Editors)
From Gestalt Theory to Image AnalysisA Probabilistic Approach By Desolneux, Moisan, and Morel
Numerical Recipes: The art of scientific computing, 3rd ed. by Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling and Flannery
Feature Extraction and Image Processing, 2nd ed. by Nixon and Aguado
Digital Watermarking and Steganography:Fundamentals and Techniques by Shih
Springer Handbook of Speech Processing by Benesty, Sondhi, and Huang, eds.
Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Introduction Using Java by Burger and Burge
Bιzier and Splines in Image Processing and Machine Vision by Biswas and Lovell
Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis, 2 ed. by OGorman, Sammon and Seul
The Dissimilarity Representation for Pattern Recognition: Foundations and Applications by Pekalska and Duin
Handbook of Biometrics by Jain, Flynn, and Ross (Editors)
Advances in Biometrics Sensors, Algorithms, and Systems by Ratha and Govindaraju, (Editors)
Dynamic Vision for Perception and Control of Motion by Dickmanns
Bioinformatics by Polanski and Kimmel
Introduction to clustering large and high-dimensional data by Kogan
The Text Mining Handbook by Feldman and Sanger
Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms by Makay
Geometric Tomography by Gardner
Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision Curless, Van Gool, and Szeliski., Editors
Applied Combinatorics on Words by M. Lothaire
Human Identification Based on Gait by Nixon, Tan and Chellappar
Mathematics of Digital Images by Stuart Hogan
Advances in Image and Video Segmentation Zhang, Editor
Graph-Theoretic Techniques for Web Content Mining by Schenker, Bunke, Last and Kandel
Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision by Paragios, Chen, and Faugeras (Editors)
The Geometry of Information Retrieval by van Rijsbergen
Biometric Inverse Problems by Yanushkevich, Stoica, Shmerko and Popel
Correlation Pattern Recognition by Kumar, Mahalanobis, and Juday
Pattern Recognition 3rd Edition by Theodoridis and Koutroumbas
Dictionary of Computer Vision and Image Processing by R.B. Fisher, et. Al
Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis by Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini
Machine Vision Books
CVonline: an overview
The Guide to Biometrics by Bolle, et al
Pattern Recognition Books Jul. 04 [pdf] |