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Free Books!


The IAPR Newsletter is looking for reviewers for the books listed below.


If you have interest and some knowledge in the topic, email us with your mailing address.  We will send you a copy of the book—which you may keep—and will expect in return a review for the Newsletter

Arjan Kuijper, IAPR Newsletter Associate Editor for Book Reviews


The following titles are available to be reviewed:


Bayesian Nonparametrics

Nils Lid Hjort, Chris Holmes, Peter Müller,

and Stephen G. Walker, eds.

Cambridge University Press, 2009



Grammatical Inference:  Learning Automata and Grammars

Colin de la Higuera

Cambridge University Press, 2010



Geometric Computing: for Wavelet Transforms, Robot Vision, Learning, Control and Action

Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano

Springer, 2010



Geometric Algebra Computing: in Engineering and Computer Science

Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano and Gerik Scheuermann (Eds.)

Springer, 2010



Symbol Spotting in Digital Libraries: Focused Retrieval over Graphic-rich Document Collections

Marçal Rusiñol and Josep Lladós

Springer, 2010



Computer Vision:  Detection, Recognition, and Reconstruction

Roberto Cipolla, Sebastiano Battiato,

and Giovanni Maria Farinella, (Eds.)

Springer, 2010

Series:  Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 285




PLUS:  You can go to the Springer web site to see the list of New & Forthcoming titles in the Series Advances in Pattern Recognition.  Many of these are also available for review. 

Call for 
Expressions of Interest to organise S+SSPR 2012
Although the submission deadline has only just past for S+SSPR 2010, it is time to think ahead to 
S+SSPR is traditionally held in the week preceding ICPR at a location that is convenient for easy 
transportation between the two meetings. The maximum distance between recent editions of ICPR 
and S+SSPR has been 1000km, and they are typically less than 300km apart.  
ICPR 2012 is in Tsukuba Science City, Japan, 11-15 November 2012, and so S+SSPR 2012 would 
be expected to take place  7-9 November 2012.
At this stage the chairs of TC1 (Terry Windeatt - email T.Windeatt@surrey.ac.uk) and TC2 
(Edwin Hancock - email erh@cs.york.ac.uk), would like to hear expressions of interest to hold 
S+SSPR 2012.
Please submit a rough outline giving the proposed location and the names of the potential General 
Chair, Statistical Pattern Recognition Strand Co-Chair, and Structural/Syntactic Pattern Recognition 
Strand Co-Chair.
Traditionally, the chairs of TC1 and TC2 act as Programme Co-Chairs for the two strands of the 
meeting (statistical and structural/syntactic). 
A full bid will be required later with details of the venue, estimated costs, and the PC structure. If there 
are multiple bids, these will be put to an open vote at S+SSPR 2010.

Don’t miss the


offers below!