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Non-IAPR Workshop Report: CTIC 2009

Report prepared by:


Rocío González Díaz (Spain)

Text Box: 2nd Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context

26-28 August 2009
St. Kathrein/Offenegg, Austria
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Walter Kropatsch (Austria)

Helena Molina-Abril (Austria)

The 2nd Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context (CTIC) was an international event successfully organized by the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (PRIP) Group in Vienna, Austria. CTIC 2009  was chaired  by Walter G. Kropatsch (IAPR Fellow, chair of IAPR Fellow Committee) and Helena Molina-Abril. The location of the conference was a charming hotel in the heart of the Almenland Nature Reserve in Austria.

The aim of CTIC workshop was to gather researchers who deal with the study of topological invariants from a computational point of view, and/or who wish to use topological information in image applications. For this reason, submissions included recent but yet unpublished results, reports on research in progress, and recently published results.


CTIC2009 participants in front of the entrance to the Katerloch cave