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Conference Report: VSMM 2009

Report prepared by:


Robert Sablatnig

Text Box: 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia

9-12 September 2009
Vienna, Austria
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Conference Co-Chairs:


Robert Sablatnig (Austria)

Martin Kampel (Austria)

VSMM 2009 was organized by the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (PRIP) Group. The conference was endorsed by the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). The main aim of this conference was to bring together researchers in the fields of Computer Vision, Multimedia Technologies, Cultural Heritage, Image Processing, Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition and the Digital Documentation/Preservation in Cultural Heritage. The conference was intended as a convention of renowned experts in all areas of pattern recognition and image processing to present and discuss recent progress and advances in the fields of: 3D Reconstruction & Modeling for Cultural Heritage, Human Factors, Virtual Environments, Edutainment, Media Arts, Digital Performance, Cultural Heritage and Museum Environments, Document Analysis, Design, Rendering, Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, Gaming and Education.

VSMM 2009 was a very successful event, which brought together 92 participants from 22 different countries. 34 out of 60 contributions were presented in 8 oral sessions.  Each submitted paper received three reviews, upon which decisions were based on correctness, presentation, technical depth, scientific significance and originality. In addition to our conference delegates we had two invited speakers: Prof. David G. Stork,IAPR Fellow (Ricoh Innovations and Stanford University) gave a very interesting presentation on “Computer graphics for the study of fine art: Virtual reconstructions of tableaus and studios to illuminate the methods of the masters”, and Susan Bryan (Walt Disney Imagineering) presented “Toy Story Mania:  Making Disney's First 3D Interactive Dark Ride” giving interesting insights on how Disney attractions are planned and engineered. The VSMM 2009 conference also hosted two workshops on Serious Gaming in Cultural Heritage and 3D Knowledge Technologies for Cultural Heritage Applications.

To motivate students to work in the area of Computer Vision Applications for Cultural Heritage this year for the first time an IAPR Best Student Paper Prize was awarded to the author of the best paper written solely or primarily by a student appearing in the workshop proceedings. Karol Kwiatek (supervisor: Martin Woolner) received this IAPR Best Student Paper Award for his work entitled “Embedding Interactive Storytelling within Still and Video Panoramas for Cultural Heritage Sites” because of the clarity and quality of the written paper as well as the presentation.

The success of the conference was possible due to the authors who contributed their work to the symposium, the dedicated work of the members of the program committee, and finally the organizing committee. Following the tradition of all VSMM conferences, the conference will not only impact on the current research of the readers but will also represent important archival material published by IEEE. The VSMM 2009 also featured an outstanding social program including a reception at the Gloriette Vienna, a classical concert at Schönbrunn castle, a conference dinner at the Vienna city hall, and a traditional Vienna “Heurigen” visit.

Proceedings of

VSMM 2009

have been published

with the

IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services

and will be accessible online at


Group photo at the Gloriette