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Workshop Report: PRRS 2008

Report prepared by:


Selim Aksoy

Text Box: 5th IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing

7 December 2008
Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.
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Selim Aksoy (Turkey)

Nicolas H. Younan (U.S.A.)

The PRRS Workshop, which is organized by Technical Committee 7 (Remote Sensing) of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), has established itself as an important event for scientists involved in the combined fields of pattern recognition and remote sensing.  These two research fields have always overlapped, but the large volume of remote sensing data now coming from last generation sensors require new advanced algorithms and techniques for automatic analysis.

Following the tradition of the previous PRRS workshops in Andorra in 2000, Niagara Falls, Canada, in 2002, Oxford, UK, in 2004, and Hong Kong in 2006, the 2008 workshop was held in conjunction with ICPR 2008 in Tampa, Florida.  The workshop was scientifically sponsored by the IAPR and the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) and provided a setting for exchanging experiences by 30 international researchers on the use of pattern recognition methods in the analysis of data collected from satellites or airborne sensors used for Earth observation. Out of the 17 four-page papers that were submitted, 11 papers were accepted to the final program after a double-blind review process. The workshop program consisted of one plenary and three oral sessions. The presentations covered a wide range of topics including image registration, building and vehicle extraction, image segmentation, linear discriminant analysis, sea ice classification, and fast implementations on a graphics processing unit for stereo image processing and motion tracking on various types of data obtained from optical, synthetic aperture radar, hyperspectral, and LIDAR sensors. The invited talk titled “Object-based image analysis utilizing image segmentation hierarchies” was given by Dr. James C. Tilton from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.  The proceedings of the PRRS 2008 workshop are published in IEEE Xplore, and the reviews for papers submitted to a special issue in the Pattern Recognition Letters journal associated with the workshop are underway.

A new addition to the workshop this year was the organization of an Algorithm Performance Contest as part of the workshop.  The contest, which was coordinated jointly by Technical Committee 7 of IAPR and the ISFEREA Action of the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, involved the running and evaluation of pattern recognition techniques on different remote sensing data sets with known ground truth. The initial results of the evaluation for building detection and digital surface model extraction tasks using very high-resolution image data were summarized in a paper included in the proceedings.

The next PRRS workshop will be organized in Istanbul, Turkey, in conjunction with ICPR 2010.

Proceedings of the workshop

are available at


IEEE Xplore


Click here.

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