It has been a very busy period for the IAPR ExCo since the last article appeared in the January issue of the Newsletter which happened to be the first issue following ICPR 2008 in Tampa. While writing this article in my office in Quebec City with outside temperatures still way under zero, I miss the warm weather we all experienced in Tampa last December! Indeed, the ExCo has been working intensively on the nomination of the chairs of the IAPR standing committees and technical committees. Again this time, the response from the researchers in our community ready to serve on the various IAPR committees has been outstanding. There is no doubt that the IAPR is a very dynamic association. However, the IAPR still needs to attract young researchers in its committees and workgroups, so don’t hesitate to promote the association in your member society and to raise the interest of young colleagues for IAPR activities. A proof of this dynamism is the creation of a new Technical Committee on Computational Forensics (TC-06) that has been approved by the Governing Board at its last meeting in Tampa. The Governing Board has also approved that a part of the budget be allotted for supporting IAPR committees, which would wish to initiate development on targeted topics. The ExCo is now thinking of how proposals for financial support could be submitted and approved. More information on this topic will be made available in the next months. It is our pleasure to announce that the Governing Board has approved the venue of the 2012 ICPR. The ICPR will be hosted in Tsukuba, Japan, on November 12-15, 2012, with Tutorial day on November 11. Meanwhile, the Organizing Committee for the ICPR 2010 in Istanbul is already at work for preparing the next edition of IAPR’s main event. While preparing the post-mortem of the ICPR 2008 in Tampa, Prof. Kasturi’s team has found that a significant percentage of non-member registrations came from participants whose country is already a member society of the IAPR. This means that ICPR participants may not always be informed of the existence of their national society. It would be important to increase the visibility of the national societies in order to better publicize IAPR’s activities and to increase its membership. Finally, it is relevant to congratulate the new editor of this Newsletter, Dr. Alexandra Branzan-Albu, and her team for the excellent work done in preparing the January issue of the newsletter. The past editor, Larry O’Gorman, had set very high standards for the electronic Newsletter, and it is comforting to see that the new team is maintaining the quality of this important communication channel between the IAPR and its community of researchers and partners. |
News from the IAPR Executive Committee |
by Denis Laurendeau (Canada) |