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With ICPR 2008 (see related advertisement in this issue) getting nearer, the ExCo is pleased to announce that, as approved by the GB in the budget, the IAPR will again offer a limited number of ICPR Travel Stipends in the amount of US$700 to authors of accepted papers to encourage increased participation from those with very limited resources to pay for full conference travel expenses. The procedure for applying for the travel stipends will be included in the notification of acceptance message sent to authors of accepted papers.

The Technical Committee on Machine Learning and Data Mining (TC 17) has experienced various problems, and the Chair of the TC has recommended to the ExCo that the TC be cancelled. The ExCo has launched a GB consultation on this issue and, following this consultation, a GB ballot will be initiated. It is clear that no matter the result of the ballot, actions will need to be taken so that this topic remains in the spectrum of important fields covered by the IAPR.

On the topic of technical committees, the ExCo would like to call again for people interested in giving new life to the TC on Biomedical Image Analysis (TC9). A project on the creation of a TC on Video Surveillance has also recently been submitted to the ExCo. The information on this initiative will be communicated in the near future by IAPR Second Vice-President, Sergey Ablameyko.  Members of the IAPR community interested in this field should get in touch with Dr. Ablameyko.

The IAPR Statement of Ethics that was approved by the GB has been posted on the IAPR website and has come into force. The Conferences and Meetings Committee now sees that organizers seeking IAPR support must comply with the Statement of Ethics. It is hoped that this will help in improving the quality of contributions to future events.

News from the


Executive Committee

by Denis Laurendeau