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DGCI is the main conference of the IAPR Technical Committee on Discrete Geometry (TC18) and is held approximately every 18th months. The 2008 edition was organized by the Multiresolution, Discrete, and Combinatorial Models (M2DisCo) team of the Laboratoire d'Informatique en Image et Systèmes d'Informations (LIRIS) of Lyon, France.

DGCI 2008 attracted many researchers from all around the world. Indeed, 76 papers were submitted, from 24 different countries (13 European and 11 non-European), confirming the international status of the conference. Once reviewed, 45 papers were accepted for publication in the present LNCS volume (see sidebar). There were 23 papers scheduled for oral presentation in single-track sessions, and 22 papers were presented as posters, with an additional very short presentation in preliminary plenary sessions. The oral and poster session covered the topics: Models for Discrete Geometry, Discrete Shape Representation, Recognition & Analysis, Discrete and Combinatorial Tools for Image Segmentation and Analysis, Morphological Analysis, Discrete and Combinatorial Topology, Geometric Transforms, and Discrete Tomography.

Three invited speakers gave lectures on topics ranging from connected fields to the theoretical foundations of Discrete Geometry:

Þ Pr. Jean-Pierre Reveilles (University of Auvergne, France) gave a talk on "Weak Rational Computing for Digital Geometry" coming back to the roots of digital geometry;

Þ Pr. Ullrich Köthe (University of Heidelberg, Germany) asked us "What can we learn from discrete images about the Continuous World ?" highlighting the links between the continuous and discrete worlds;

Þ Pr. Dinesh Manocha (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) gave a talk about "Digital Geometry Processing with Topological Guarantees", thus opening connections with the computer graphics research field.

Note that the slides and videos of the keynote talks are available online on DGCI 2008 webpage

Proceedings of the conference have been published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (volume number 4992). Following the conference, two special issues in the journals Pattern Recognition and Computers & Graphics are scheduled to appear in early 2009.

The conference brought together 98 participants from 18 countries. The conference was well-organized and the program ran smoothly. The conference hall and the material infrastructure (audio/video, internet connection) worked according to high standards.

The social program was appreciated as well. A guided tour of the Vieux Lyon (listed by UNESCO) was organized on the first evening, including a visit to inner courtyards and "traboules" (covered passageways). The gala dinner was held in Château des Ravatys, in the Beaujolais countryside. A wine degustation in caves was proposed and the dinner took place in the "Orangerie".

The next DGCI conference will be held in Montreal, Canada, October 7-9, 2009, organized by the Laboratoire de Combinatoire et d'Informatique Mathématique (LaCIM) and Université du Québec, with Srecko Brlek as General Chair. It will be the first edition of DGCI outside Europe.

Conference ReportDGCI 2008

Report prepared by the DGCI 2008 Co-chairs:

Isabelle Sivignon

David Coeurjolly

Text Box: 14th International Conference on
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery 

16-18 April 2008
Lyon, France

IAPR TC18 web site:

Proceedings of the conference have been published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (volume number 4992).


Click on the image to go to the publisher’s web site for this volume.