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The International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP) is one of the oldest (28-years-old) conferences on computer vision and image processing. The long-lasting success of ICIAP relies on the perfect mix between the international high-quality papers and presentations and the excellent locations and conference organizations.


The 2007 edition of ICIAP was held in Modena, Italy, at the magnificent location of the Military Academy,  Europe’s oldest academic institution for the military army. Our choice of location was dangerous because of the chance of unpredictable closure of the Academy in the case of a sudden emergency or security issue and the strict behavioral rules. However, ICIAP 2007 was held at the magnificent 17th-century Duke Palace, headquarter of the Military Academy, and, in the end, the exceptional participation (over 200 registered participants) to ICIAP 2007 demonstrates that we were right in our choice!


From the scientific point of view, differently from previous editions, ICIAP 2007 was organized into five main tracks: a central track, addressing the Theory of Image Analysis and Processing, and four complementary tracks on hot topics, namely Surveillance and Security, Multimedia, Industrial, and Human-centred applications. The last track was further divided into Biometry and Medical Imaging subtracks. The main conference consisted of 49 regular papers, presented in non-overlapped oral sessions, and 89 poster papers. They were selected from among about 250 papers after a long and rigorous reviewing phase; thanks to 10 Area Chairs, 83 members of the Program Committee and other experts who contributed to the reviews.


A great part of the success of ICIAP 2007 is probably due to the excellent invited speakers. The first opening speaker (sponsored by IAPR) was Prof. Rama Chellappa with a talk entitled “Looking for Patterns in Video”.  Prof. Chellappa is well known as past Editor-In-Chief of “IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence” as well as for many seminal contributions to the field of pattern recognition and computer vision.  He is currently Minta Martin Professor of Engineering at University of Maryland, College Park, MD (USA). The second day, two invited speeches were given: “From Image Analysis to Content Extraction: Are We There Yet?” by Prof. Tsuhan Chen (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) and “Surveillance on Graphs” by Prof. Stan Sclaroff (Boston University, USA). The last conference day Prof. Prabir Bhattacharya from Concordia University (Canada) gave a talk on “Iris Recognition Using Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine”.


This year ICIAP’s main conference was organized in conjunction with several tutorials on the first day and two satellite workshops on the last day.  The workshop Video and Multimedia Digital Libraries VMDL (co-sponsored by EU NoE DELOS and EU NoE MUSCLE, and Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale) started on the evening before the last day with the special invited talk of Edward Chang, Director of Research at Google China and treated the topic of video and multimedia digital libraries. The other workshop Computational Color Imaging Workshop CCIW was endorsed by IAPR (see Workshop Report in the October, 2007, issue of the IAPR Newsletter [html] or [pdf]).


Last, but not least important, ICIAP 2007 included two social events: the welcome cocktail on Tuesday consisted in a guided visit at Ferrari Gallery in which the attendees had the opportunity to taste traditional food while walking between dream Ferrari cars; and the gala dinner  which was held in the “Salone d’Onore” (ballroom) of the Duke Palace.


The next ICIAP in 2009 will be held in the surroundings of Salerno (in the south of Italy) and will be organized by Prof. Mario Vento of University of Salerno. To my friend Mario my best wishes for a successful event!

14th International Conference on

Image Analysis and Processing


Palazzo Ducale, Modena, Italy

10-14 September 2007


Report prepared by the ICIAP 2007 Chairs

Conference ReportICIAP 2007

General Chair:

Rita Cucchiara

Program Chair:

Andrea Prati


Proceedings of ICIAP2007

are available from the

IEEE Computer Society

ISBN 978-0-7695-2877-9