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Feature Articles on uses of

Pattern Recognition



Pattern Recognition in Digital Libraries, Jul. ‘06

             [html]     [pdf]


Pattern Recognition at the US Postal Service:  A Decade of Achievement, Apr. ‘06

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Pattern Recognition in Two National Labs, Jan. ‘06

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Pattern Recognition in Traffic Engineering, Jul. ‘05

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Pattern Recognition in Astronomy and Photonics, Apr. ‘05

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Pattern Recognition in Origami, Jan. ‘05

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Pattern Recognition in Defense Applications, Jan. ‘04



Pattern Recognition in Maps, Sep. ‘03



Pattern Recognition in Security and Entertainment, Jun. ‘03



Pattern Recognition in Sports, Apr. ‘03



ICPR2006 Inviteed Talks

Thank you to all who contributed reviews of the Keynote and Invited Talks presented at ICPR 2006.  Without you this Feature would not have been possible. 

~L. O’Gorman, ed.

The Keynote and Invited talks at ICPR2006 covered a wide variety of topics relevant to the IAPR Community.  The Feature Article in this issue of the IAPR Newsletter presents reviews of ten of these talks.


Keynote 1:

Fingerprints: Proving Ground for Pattern Recognition

By Anil Jain

(University Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University, USA)


Keynote 2:

Ensembles of Classifiers

By Lawrence O. Hall

(Professor, University of South Florida, USA)


Track 1 Invited Talk:

Variations on Variational Principles for Vision

By Olivier Faugeras

(Research Director, INRIA, France)


Track 2 Invited Talk:

Invariants for 2d and 3d Pattern Recognition Problems

By Hans Burkhardt

(Professor, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Germany)


Track 3 Invited Talk 1:

Computers in the Human Interaction Loop

By Alexander Waibel

(Carnegie Mellon University; University of Karlsruhe)


Track 3 Invited Talk 2:

Image Representation and Retrieval Using Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-means Clustering Based Semantical Spaces

By Prabir Bhattacharya

(Professor, Concordia University, Canada)


Track 4 Invited Talk 1:

Challenges for Data Mining in Distributed Sensor Networks

By Virginio Cantoni

(Professor, University of Pavia, Italy)


Track 4 Invited Talk 2:

Pattern Recognition in Video

By Rama Chellappa

(Minta Martin Professor of Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park


Track 5 Invited Talk 1:

A Computational Model of Social Signalling

By Alex Pentland

(Professor, MIT Media Lab, USA)


Track 5 Invited Talk 2:

Kernel Machines for Computer Graphics

 By Bernhard Schölkopf

(Professor, MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Germany)