Text Box: News from the 
Executive Committee

By Denis Laurendeau

During the past months, the ExCo has worked in close cooperation with Dr. Sargur Srihari, Chair of the IAPR Publications and Publicity Committee, in setting up the requirements for the new IAPR website. In addition to the publication of the IAPR Newsletter in electronic format, more electronic services will be offered to the IAPR community in the next months through an improved website. The contents of current IAPR website, which is managed by Dr. Srihari’s team at CEDAR, will be transferred to Conbrio’s servers and the website will be redesigned in order to i) offer site search functionality, ii) provide more efficient and faster publications and database search capabilities, iii) offer a web admin front end  for publications import, and iv) offer a front end for managing website contents. Conbrio Design, Inc., is the professional web service provider that has been identified for designing the new IAPR website and for hosting the website contents. Conbrio is looking for image and graphic materials that reflect IAPR’s history and areas of interest that could be added to the website. If you have such material available in electronic format, please send it by e-mail to the IAPR Secretary at Denis.Laurendeau@gel.ulaval.ca.


At the moment of writing this column, the review process for the next ICPR is under way and the notification of acceptance should be sent to authors by April 15, 2006. Over 2000 manuscripts were submitted to ICPR 2006 and the ExCo acknowledges the effort  that is being carried on by the ICPR organizing committee, the members of the program committee, and the reviewers. Authors of accepted papers will find important information on the IAPR travel stipends in the notification of acceptance message they will receive from the ICPR 2006 Organizing Committee.


The sad news about the unexpected demise of Prof. Mikio Takagi on February 2, 2006 has been brought to the IAPR community. Prof. Takagi was an emeritus professor of the University of Tokyo and a professor of Shibaura Institute of Technology. He was the founding father of Machine Vision and Applications  (MVA) Conference. He was a well respected and most distinguished member of our community. Prof. Takagi participated actively in numerous IAPR activities especially as IAPR 1st Vice-President during 1988 to 1990. The ExCo expresses its condolences to Prof. Takagi’s family, colleagues, and friends.

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