The heightened interest in security technologies in the society is clearly visible from the large number of paper submissions at this conference. From a total of 198 papers submitted to the conference, 34 were accepted for oral presentation. A new “short oral” track was introduced in this years’ AVBPA, in which speakers were allowed only five minutes to present their work.  The participants actually enjoyed the new format as the speakers spent time only on their contributions and not on the background, introduction and future work. In addition, there were 50 posters spread over the first two days of the conference. The conference had 160 registrations with participants from 20 countries.


We invited two keynote speakers: Dr. Simon Baker from the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University and Dr. Behnam Bavarian of Motorola. Identix sponsored three student paper awards at the conference. Several paper awards were given. Yuchun Fang (Experiments in Mental Face Retrieval) and Umut Uludag (Fuzzy Vault for Fingerprints) received the best student paper awards of a plaque with a $1,000 check each at the conference banquet. Norman Poh (A Novel Approach to Combining Client-Dependent and Confidence Information in Multimodal Biometrics) received the best student poster award of a plaque and $500 check also at the conference banquet.


The social program consisted of a reception on the evening of July 20 and a banquet cruise around New York on July 21, partly sponsored by Motorola. The banquet dinner tickets for student participants were sponsored by IBM Research. AVBPA 2005 also received a significant industrial sponsorship from a number of companies (IBM Research, Identix, Motorola, OmniPerception, Proximex, Springer, USBiometrics VideoMining) resulting in a highly successful conference.


The organizers are proud to announce that the surplus from the conference is going to be used to set up an endowment to create a new best biometrics student paper under IAPR. Over the last eight years, AVBPA has created a significant impact in the biometrics technology area. AVBPA will be merged into the International Conference on Biometrics, the first of which to be held in Korea in 2007.

Conference ReportAVBPA 2005

Text Box: Fifth International Conference on Audio– and Video-based 
Biometric Person Authentication

20-22 July 2005, Rye Brook, NY, USA
Report prepared by the Conference Chairs
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Proceedings from AVBPA2005 are available

in the

Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, Volume 3546

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General Chair

Takeo Kanade, CMU

Co-Program Chairs

Anil Jain, MSU
Nalini Ratha, IBM

Prof. Donald Geman receiving the best student paper award on behalf of Yuchun Fang.

Umut Uludag receiving the best student paper award from Dr. Paul Griffin, CTO, Identix.

Norman Poh receiving the best poster award from Dr. Paul Griffin, CTO, Identix.

The venue of the banquet: cruise ship that took the participants around the New York City.