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IWBF 2019

About IWBF 2019


The 7th IAPR/IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF 2019) is organized by the EU Horizon-2020 IDENTITYLink opens in a new window Project and will be hosted by Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico (IPN) in Cancun, Mexico, on May 2-3, 2019.

IWBF is the premier international forum for research in the design and application of advanced biometric technologies for forensic science. IWBF is specifically devoted to facilitating synergies in research and development in the areas of multimedia forensics, forensic biometrics, and forensic science. State-of-the-art research in areas such as biometrics, forensic science, surveillance, and multimedia forensics will be presented. IWBF provides the meeting place for those concerned with the use of advanced biometric technologies in forensic applications, attracting participants from industry, research, academia, and end-users.

Important Dates

Paper submission further extended to 25 January 2019 (11:59 PM - Pacific Time)
Decision to authors: 03 March 2019
Final versions (camera-ready papers) extended to 18 March 2019
Full registration of one author for each paper/poster extended to 18 March 2019


24/06/2019 The conference proceedings are now available on the IEEE Xplore Digital LibraryLink opens in a new window

03/05/2019 Congratulations to the authors of paper Costum Silicon Face Masks: Vulnerability on Commercial Face Recognition Systems & Presentation Attack Detection, winners of the IAPR Best Paper Award.

25/04/2019 Aldo Mattei, deputy director Carabinieri Scientific Investigations Laboratory for South Italy, will deliver a special presentation on latent print comparison on Day 1 of IWBF2019

25/03/2019 The Technical Program is now available here

13/03/2019 The registration system is now open. Please register here

03/03/2019 Notifications to all authors have been emailed. Congratulations to the accepted papers.

10/02/2019 IAPR sponsors the Best Paper Award. Papers nominated for the award will be notified on March 4th, 2019

10/02/2019 Accommodation suggestions now posted on the website. See Venue Information

09/01/2019 The submission deadline is further extended to 25 January 2019 - (11:59 Pacific Time)

18/01/2019 Registration fees are now published. The registration system will open soon.

29/12/2018 Keynote speakers announced

20/10/2018 The submission website is now OPEN





