IMTA VIII - Image Mining. Theory and Applications
On-line only, August 21, 2022
In conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montréal Québec, Canada, August 21-25, 2022
The workshop will be fully virtual
Program published!
Please see
To attend the event please join this Zoom meeting.
Important notice about workshop registration
To take part in IMTA-VIII, authors should register at
If you plan to attend only the Workshop, please register your paper following the instruction reported on the ICPR registration page, before the 10th of August.
Registration fees for only Workshops and Tutorials range from $125 to $305.
Also, if you plan to attend also the main conference, you should register: STANDARD fees are applied until the 10th of August. Please note that If you are presenting a paper or poster, you must register at the in-person member or non-member rate.
One registration can present up to two papers. Student registrations do not allow paper publishing.
ICPR 2022 follows the IEEE preprint policy.
General facts
The Workshop "Image Mining. Theory and Applications" (IMTA VIII) is a satellite event of ICPR 2022 (Montréal Québec, Canada, August 21-25, 2022).
The main purpose of the IMTA VIII Workshop is to provide the fusion of modern mathematical approaches and techniques for image analysis/pattern recognition with the requests of applications using an image as an initial data representation. The scientific program of IMTA VII will consist of invited talks, contributed talks, posters, informal discussions, and a wrap-up session.
The workshop is intended to cover, but it is not limited to, the following topics:
- Methodological advances in image analysis and pattern recognition;
- New Mathematical Techniques in Image Mining;
- Image Models, Representations and Features;
- Automation of Image and Data Mining;
- Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Image Mining;
- Applied problems.
Important Dates
Workshop submission deadline: May 24, 2022
Workshop author notification: May 31, 2022
Camera-ready submission: June 5, 2022
Workshop registration: August 10, 2022
Workshop day: August 21, 2022