International Conference on Biometrics (ICB) was established in 2006 as a biennial conference by merging AVBPA (Audio- and Video-based Person Authentication), ICBA (International Conference on Biometric Authentication) and other biometric workshops, and since then has established itself as a premier international conference in biometrics. The fourth edition was held in conjunction with the BTAS conference (Biometrics: Theory, Applications, Systems) in Washington, DC, USA (October 2011) and was named the International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB). Since then ICB has changed into an annual conference providing researchers with an avenue for presenting biometrics research results of highest quality. ICB is an official conference of the IAPR Technical Committee on Biometrics (TC4) and is also co-sponsored by IEEE Biometrics Council.
For 2015, ICB will be held at Phuket, Thailand. It will have oral sessions, posters, tutorials, demonstrations, competitions and a government track to coincide with the beginning of ASEAN Economic Community 2015 (AEC2015).
The conference will have a broad scope and invites papers that advance biometric technologies, sensor design, feature extraction and matching algorithms, analysis of security and privacy, and evaluation of social impact of biometrics technology. Topics of interest include all areas of current Biometrics research and applications.
"Best of ICB 2015" Special Issue on Elsevier Image and Vision Computing Journal: the best papers presented at the conference will be included in the special issue. For the journal publication, a new version of the manuscripts will be required including at least 30% newer material as compared to the conference version. Guest editors: M. Nappi, M. Tistarelli, H. Wechsler. For additional information, please contact one of the guest editors.
Platinum Sponsors

News Updates
♦ All slides and videos from keynote session have been posted in Keynote Speakers and 2 slides from tutorial session have been posted in Tutorials.
♦ Conference Photos have been posted here.
♦ ICB-2015 Booklet has been posted here.
♦ All awards have been posted here.
♦ A venue map is posted here.
♦ The final technical program & program at a glance are available now. Click Here (Update: May 11, 2015 - have conflicts from previous version)
♦ An update for panel session is posted here.
♦ Instructions to presenters has been posted here.
♦ The best papers will be included in the special issue on Elsevier Image and Vision Computing Journal.
Technical Sponsors:
Supporting Organizations: