Welcome to DGMM 2025
We are delighted to host the 4th International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (DGMM 2025) in Groningen, the Netherlands, 3-6 November 2025.
DGMM 2025 will be the fourth joint event between the two main conference series of IAPR TC18, the International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI) and the International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM).
DGMM offers the opportunity for researchers, students, and practitioners to share and discuss novel high quality research results within the fields of discrete geometry and mathematical morphology and their applications to image processing and image analysis. Both theoretical and application-focused contributions related to these topics are welcome.
Main topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- models and algorithms for discrete geometry
- discrete shape representation, recognition and analysis
- geometric transforms, geometric estimators, discrete differential geometry
- tilings, discrete geometric spaces, unusual grids, packings
- discrete and combinatorial topology, discrete manifolds
- discrete tomography and convexity
- combinatorial, graph and computational geometry
- algebraic and morphological lattice theory
- nonlinear scale space theory
- hierarchical and graph based image models
- computational morphology
- morphological operators in machine learning
- discrete calculus and geometry processing
- geometric deep learning
- applications of discrete geometry and mathematical morphology (engineering, biomedical
imaging, ...)
- Michael Wilkinson, University of Groningen
- Jiri Kosinka, University of Groningen