DGCI 2019 is the 21st IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, which follows the successful 2017 edition held in Wien, Austria. This edition is organized by Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge (LIGM) at ESIEE Paris, France.
Discrete geometry plays an expanding role in the fields of shape modelling, image synthesis, and image analysis. It deals with topological and geometrical definitions of digitized objects or digitized images and provides both a theoretical and computational framework for computer imaging.
The aim of the DGCI conference is to bring together researchers, students and practitioners of discrete geometry, including discrete topology, geometric models, and mathematical morphology, to present and discuss new advances in these fields, be they purely theoretical developments or novel applications.
Together with the main event from 26th to 28th March, a one-day pre-conference workshop on Discrete Topology and Mathematical Morphology in honor of the retirement of Gilles Bertrand and a half-day post-conference workshop on Combinatorics, Geometry and Statistics are also planned.