Proposals for Workshops

Published in  2016-12-05 14:08:42       

The ICPR 2018 Organizing Committee invites proposals for workshops in conjunction with the 24th Interna-tional Conference on Pattern Recognition ( The workshops will be held on August 20th, 2018, immediately before the main conference.

The ICPR 2018 workshops will provide forums where participants will have opportunities to discuss tech-nical topics in an atmosphere that fosters the active exchange of ideas. The topics of the workshops are desired to be ones at the frontiers of academic research or important application needs of pattern recog-nition. Each proposal will be assessed for its scientific content, proposed structure and overall relevance. Furthermore, Good workshops encourage discussion and interaction between the participants, which can be achieved in a number of ways, e.g., through presentations of submitted work, panel discussions and hands-on sessions.

Workshop Co-chairs: 

Prof. Zhaoxiang Zhang (CASIA, China)
Prof. David Suter (Adelaide, Australia)
Prof. Yingli Tian (CUNY, USA)     

Important Days:

Deadline for workshop proposal: December 15th , 2017
Notification of Acceptance: January 15th , 2018
Workshops: August 20th , 2018

Guideline for submitting proposals

To propose an ICPR 2018 workshop, you only need to finish one single application form online, which will be automatically delivered to the C&M chair and ICPR workshop chairs.

The form mainly includes the following contents:
 Type of support requested (Sponsorship; Endorsement; Neither).
 Name and contact information of the main organizers and any committees involved.
 Brief description of the scope and target audience. Estimate the number of participants. Both smaller and larger events will be accommodated.
 Tentative schedule. Indicate here if a half or full day event is planned.
 Overall organization. Illustrated as: review process and paper selection, submission deadlines, invited speakers, distribution of submitted contributions, coverage of any additional costs of the event (e.g., sponsorship for invited speakers and awards), etc.

ICPR 2018 will be responsible for: 

 Providing a meeting venue with necessary technical equipment and catering services during the coffee breaks. 
 Providing staff to help with the on-site organization. 
 Advertising the event on the ICPR web site. 
 Scheduling the event together with the organizers and including it in the conference program. 

Organizers of a workshop are responsible for: 

 Publishing a webpage with information about the event and its program. 
 Sending out a call for papers/contributions. 
 Reviewing and selecting submitted papers. 
 Compiling and distributing accepted contributions to the participants. 
 Inviting speakers and ensuring their participation, if applicable. 
 Obtaining funding or sponsorship for any additional cost that may arise, e.g., for prizes or awards. 
 Leading the event at ICPR2018 

Covering the costs of workshops

In ICPR 2018, there will be only one single registration to cover the main conference and all workshops, which means all the main conference registrants can attend the workshops freely. For the workshop, all finances (registration income, levy, proceedings, room and refreshment costs etc.) will be handled by the ICPR Organizing Committee. 

Furthermore, ICPR Workshops are free to have their own additional budgets (arranged outside of ICPR/IAPR) to handle any financial sponsorship by third parties and any corresponding additional spending (e.g. on invited speakers etc.)

Organizers can apply for sponsorship / endorsement for the event from the IAPR Conferences and Meet-ings Committee by submit the application form online: ( Details about how to obtain a sponsorship / endorsement refer to ( 

For those IAPR Endorsed or IAPR Sponsored workshops, all the papers will be in the “ICPR Workshops Pro-ceedings” published like the ICPR Proceedings, but on distinct volume to differentiate the workshop papers from the main conference papers.

Otherwise, the workshop will not be sponsored by IAPR, and therefore the name and logo of IAPR cannot be used for the workshop. For the publication issues, the workshop organizers should handle the proceed-ings by themselves or make a choice of no proceedings.

ICPR 2018 Workshop co-chairs:
Prof. Zhaoxiang Zhang (CASIA, China)
Prof. David Suter (Adelaide, Australia)
Prof. Yingli Tian (CUNY, USA)

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