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ICPR 2014 Prizes and Paper Awards

King-Sun Fu Prize

Jitendra Malik
"The Three R’s of Computer Vision: Recognition, Reconstruction and Reorganization"

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J.K. Aggarwal Prize

Arun Ross
"Biometrics: From Pattern Recognition to Data Privacy"

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Best Industry Related Paper Award

Sangmin Oh, Megha Pandey, Ilseo Kim, Anthony Hoogs, and Jeff Baumes
"Personalized Economy of Images in Social Forums: An Analysis on Supply, Consumption, and Saliency"

Piero Zamperoni Best Student Paper Award

Avinash Kumar and Narendra Ahuja
"Generalized Radial Alignment Constraint for Camera Calibration"

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IBM Best Student Paper Awards

Track 1: Computer Vision
Huang, Peihao; Huang, Yan; Wang, Wei; Wang, Liang
"Deep Embedding Network for Clustering"

Track 2: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Al-Halah, Ziad; Rybok, Lukas; Stiefelhagen, Rainer
"What to Transfer? High-Level Semantics in Transfer Metric Learning for Action Similarity"

Track 3: Image, Speech, Signal and Video Processing
Aytekin, Caglar; Kiranyaz, Serkan; Moncef, Gabbouj
"Automatic Object Segmentation by Quantum Cuts"

Track 4: Document Analysis, Biometrics and Pattern Recognition Applications
Yan, Yan; Ricci, Elisa; Liu, Gaowen; Subramanian, Ramanathan; Sebe, Nicu
"Clustered Multi-Task Linear Discriminant Analysis for View Invariant Color-Depth Action Recognition"

Track 5: Biomedical Image Analysis
Tambo, Asongu L.; Bhanu, Bir; Luo, Nan; Harlow, Geoffrey; Yang, Zhenbiao
"Integrated Model for Understanding Pollen Tube Growth in Video"

Best Scientific Paper

Track 1: Computer Vision
Chang, Che-Han; Chen, Chiu-Ju; Chuang, Yung-Yu
"Spatially-Varying Image Warps for Scene Alignment"

Track 2: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Souza, Fillipe Dias Moreira de; Sarkar, Sudeep; Srivastava, Anuj; Su, Jingyong
"Pattern Theory-Based Interpretation of Activities"

Track 3: Image, Speech, Signal and Video Processing
Ioannidis, Antonis; Chasanis, Vasileios; Likas, Aristidis
"Key-Frame Extraction Using Weighted Multi-View Convex Mixture Models and Spectral Clustering"

Track 4: Document Analysis, Biometrics and Pattern Recognition Applications
Rahmani, Hossein; Mahmood, Arif; Huynh, Du; Mian, Ajmal Saeed
"Action Classification with Locality-Constrained Linear Coding"

Track 5: Biomedical Image Analysis
Nicolas, Lermé; Florence, Rossant; Isabelle, Bloch; Michel, Paques; Edouard, Koch
"Segmentation of Retinal Arteries in Adaptive Optics Images"