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1. Creating a user profile
Access the ICPR 2018 Paper Submission server
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The welcome page contains links to explore various options to pursue such as creating a user profile and submitting a manuscript.
A detailed user manual for authors is available on

Input information
Follow the PIN link to get to the PIN (Personal Identification Number) Wizard.
•  Every author needs to create and maintain a current personal profile in the system.
•  The system needs to store the following information on authors: Full Name, Contact address, E-mail, PIN, Password and Research interest profile

This information is requested from the author at the time he/she opens the account on the system. The information stored on the system is available to ICPR’s conference administrators and is not shared by any third-party mailing list or marketers.

2. Submitting a manuscript
•  Manuscript length: 6 pages maximum. This is a strict limit for initial submission.
•  Prepare your paper in A4 format using the LaTeX template or the MS-Word template given in the Guidelines for Submission tab.

The paper submission server can be accessed through the “Submit a contribution to ICPR 2018” link on (open on November 5, 2017).