16th International
Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition
ICDAR 2021
September 5-10, 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland
Thank you for making ICDAR 2021 such a wonderful experience!
Photos by Leo Burgy
The online platform can be accessed here (password was provided via email).
ICDAR is the premier international event for scientists and practitioners involved in document analysis and recognition, a field of growing importance in the current age of digital transition. In 2021, the 16th edition of this flagship conference will be held for the first time in Switzerland.
The organizers are committed to holding a safe and secure ICDAR 2021. The current COVID situation in Switzerland allows to hold ICDAR 2021 in person. A hybrid mode is setup with both on-site and online participants. More details, updates, and useful links are provided on the News page. You can also follow the conference on Twitter and LinkedIn. A PDF flyer of the conference program can be downloaded here. The program booklet is available here.
Beaulieu Convention Center
Avenue des Bergières 10
1004 Lausanne

Located in Lausanne’s city center with a stunning view on the lake and its surrounding mountains, the Beaulieu Convention Center offers a wide range of conference facilities within the same building as well as a large garden. The conference center is easily accessible by plane, public transport, and car.
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Academic Sponsors
Proceedings Publisher
Image Copyright Notice: Lausanne Cathedral: Régis Colombo/LT, www.diapo.ch ; Chillon: Switzerland Tourism/Markus Buehler ; Roches-de-Naye: Unknown author
Copyright © ICDAR 2021 Organizing Committee