The 10th IAPR TC3 Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, ANNPR 2022, will be held from November24-26th, 2022, at the Dubai Campus of Heriot-Watt University, Dubai, UAE.
The workshop will act as a major forum for international researchers and practitioners working in all areas of neural network- and machine learning-based pattern recognition to present and discuss the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas. ANNPR is a biennial workshop organized by the Technical Committee 3 (IAPR TC3) on Neural Networks & Computational Intelligence of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). The proceedings of ANNPR 2022 will be published in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. LNAI volumes are indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), part of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science; Scopus; EI Engineering Index; Google Scholar; DBLP; etc.
Among the previous editions of the workshop were ANNPR 2020 (Winterthur, Switzerland), ANNPR 2018 (Siena, Italy), ANNPR 2016 (Ulm, Germany), ANNPR 2014 (Montreal, Canada), ANNPR 2012 (Trento, Italy), ANNPR 2010 (Cairo, Egypt), ANNPR 2008 (Paris, France) and ANNPR 2006 (Ulm, Germany).
ANNPR 2022 is being planned as an in-presence event, and we encourage prospective attendees to join us in Dubai. However, due to the status of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, remote presentations and attendance will also be accommodated.