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The fourth International Conference on Image and Signal Processing brought together about 80 researchers from more than 25 countries. Historically, ICISP is a conference resulting from the actions of researchers of Canada, France, and Morocco. The first and second editions of ICISP were held in Agadir, Morocco in 2003 and 2001.The third edition was held in Cherbourg-Octeville, in Normandy, France. ICISP 2010 was sponsored by EURASIP (European Association for Image and Signal Processing) and IAPR (International Association for Pattern Recognition).

From 165 full papers submitted, 69 were finally accepted (54 oral presentations, and 15 posters) giving an acceptance rate of 41 percent. We took pride in arranging a one-track conference and could not accept more contributions. The Program Committee members carried out the review process. Each paper was reviewed by at least two reviewers and also checked by the conference co-chairs. All the accepted papers have been published in the Springer LNCS 6134 volume.

The conference program includes three keynote talks by three world renowned experts. The first keynote was given by Yann Lecun, Silver Professor of Computer Science and Neural Science at the New York University, USA. The second keynote was given by Theo Gevers, Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The third keynote was given by Leo Grady, Senior Member of Technical Staff with Siemens Corporate Research in Princeton, USA.

The best papers of the conference will be invited for publication in special issues of either the International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking or the International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing.

The best paper was selected out of a short list of papers that received the highest scores during the review process. The award went to Samy Metari and François Deschênes for the paper entitled “A Novel polychromatic model for light dispersion”. The award was handed out at the conference banquet.

Highlights of the conference were also the social events. The welcome reception and the conference banquet took place at Hotel Gouverneurs, downtown Trois-Rivières. A typical dinner was organized at “la cabane à sucre chez Danny” and a boat cruise concluded the conference.

The next edition of ICISP will be organized in Agadir, Morocco in 2012.

Conference Report: ICISP 2010

Report prepared by O. Lezoray and F. Nouboud

Text Box: 4th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing

June 30-July 2, 2010
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

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Program Chairs:


Olivier Lezoray  (France)

Driss Mammass (Morrocco)

Jean Meunier (Canada)

Proceedings of the conference have been published by


in the series

Lecture Notes in

Computer Science

(Volume 6134)


Click on the image to go to the publisher’s web site for this volume.

General Chairs:


Fathallah Nouboud (Canada)

Abderrahim Elmoataz (France)

Olivier Lezoray (right) presenting the Best Paper Award to Samy Metari (left) for the paper he co-authored with François Deschênes entitled “A Novel polychromatic model for light dispersion”.  

Also pictured is Fathallah Nouboud (center).